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Edit Service Record

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Edit Service Record

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Service Id


The Service Id is how you will most often refer to a service within the software.  Typically it is the name of the service or an abbreviation of that name.  You will want the Service Id to be unique and meaningful to help avoid any confusion.


Service Id Tips:


Abbreviated Name or Acronym: You may also abbreviate the name of the product in this field.  If you choose to abbreviate the name or enter an acronym, make sure that it is a name or acronym that everyone who will be using the Appointment Calendar and Point Of Sale screen will be able to remember when searching for the item.


Abbreviated Name of Manufacturer: You can also enter an abbreviation of the name of the manufacturer at the beginning of the "Item Id" so that it is easier to search for all items made by that manufacturer.  If the name of the manufacturer is at the beginning of the name, all of the items from this manufacturer will be displayed next to each other when searching for an item.




You will always want your services to be active until you stop offering them.  Once they are inactive they will no longer show up on the appointment calendar or the point of sale but they will show in reports.   You can reactivate a service at any time.




The Description is a plain language name of the item that would be used outside of your business.  This is what will appear on your receipts and online booking page.




If you use codes for services, you may enter a barcode associated with this specific service. This will allow you to look up items in the point of sale by their barcode numbers.




The Department field is available to organize your services into groups or categories. Inventory Departments are shared for both retail and service items.




Class is an additional way to organize your services.  In many cases it can be used as a sub-category for the department. Classes are shared for both retail and service items.


Required Resource


Select the type of resource (room or equipment) that this service requires so it is reserved during booking.


Time to Complete


Initial Time: Initial Time is a how much time the first portion of a service will take.  If a service does not require any sort of break, intermission or set time then this will be the only time field that will need to be configured. Use 15-minute increments only.


Process Time: The Process Time will provide a gap between the Initial Time and Complete Time.  Entering a time here will allow you to schedule another service with a different client during this time.


Complete Time: The Complete Time is only used if you have configured a Process Time.  This Complete Time will book the second portion of the service on the appointment calendar.


Service Times Note: If we had a service that took 30 minutes to apply the chemicals, 30 minutes for the chemicals to work and 15 minutes to clean up then we would set the Initial Time as 30, the Process Time as 30 and the Complete Time as 15.


Level Pricing


Level pricing is a way to designate specific prices based on the level of experience of the employee.  Enter how much will be charged for a service in each price level that your employees will be set to. The system will automatically choose the right level price at the point of sale based on the Employee Level performing the service.  If you do not use levels then you will only need to configure Level 1 pricing.


Fixed Overhead Cost


If you wish to retain a small amount of money from the service provider's commission each time this item is sold, check this box and enter a dollar amount.  Business owners will often do this to offset their Overhead costs.  Considering that the shop provides the A/C, Lights, and power for the service provider's machinery, and often provides cleaning services and general store maintenance labor, this is a common practice.


The Fixed Overhead Cost is normally used to deduct a set dollar amount from the service provider's commission for use of products during the service.


Prepaid Service Expiration


Enter a number of days for this service to expire if remaining unused. The service must be sold as a prepaid item in the Sales Register screen for this to apply.


Enable Commission Override


If you would like to override the amount of commission an employee is paid for performing this service, check the "Enable Commission Override" check box and enter a dollar amount in the "Commission" field. This will override any commission percentages you have setup in your commission plans.


Sale Price


The Sale Price can be used if you are running a promotion on the item or if it is on sale.  Enter a "Sale Price", then select the "Sale Starts" and "Sale Ends" dates by using the small drop down arrows to display a calendar. You may also enter the dates directly by typing them into the fields provided. The Sale Price you set will only be effective for the range of dates selected. After the "Sale Ends" date is passed, the price will automatically revert to its normal price.


Enable this service for Online Booking


Check this box if you would like this service to be available for online booking.




Checking the Non-Taxable check-box will make this item ignore the current tax settings and never charge tax for this service at the point of sale.  If you do not have Service Tax enabled in your Company Settings then you do not need to check the non-taxable box.




Checking the Non-Refundable check-box will not allow this item to be returned at the point of sale.


Show In Sales Register Product Buttons


Deselecting this option will not allow this item to show as a button in the sales register. By default, this is checked to show the item.


Popup Note at Booking


Enter any notes for this service that you wish to popup when booking. This feature will need to be enabled.